Elementary schools in Town of Ajax ON form the basis of our children’s education and professional life as a whole. It is through them that out young generations get to learn, socialize, and become independent from their parents and siblings. As such, it always advisable that you choose a school that fits your kids in all ways. Below is a list of some of Ajax’s top-rated elementary schools:
Vimy Ridge Public School
Vimy Ridge is one of the top performing public elementary schools in Ajax, ON both academically and otherwise. This school which falls under the Durham District School Board is located at 40 Telford Street and features modern learning facilities, a great curriculum and a team of very dedicated teachers. The school serves a population of around 700 students from Kindergarten all the way to 8th grade. Vimy Ridge takes pride in being a school dedicated to creating a safe and caring student community which focuses on safety, academics excellence, and character education. The school has a wide selection of extracurricular activities that are meant to accommodate all students and help them grow in all aspects.
Applecroft Public School
Coming second on the list is Applecroft Public School, an ultramodern learning facility which has great infrastructure and a beautiful learning environment. This school which falls under the Durham District School Board is located at 55 Coles Avenue and serves a student population of around 400 students from Kindergarten all the way through to 8th grade. It is by far one of the biggest elementary school establishments in Ajax town and also one of the top performers when it comes to academics and sports.
Carruthers Creek Public School
Located at 1 Greenhalf Drive, just a few kilometers from the shores of Lake Ontario is Carruthers Creek Public School, one of the newest and most advanced elementary schools in Ajax, ON. The school’s academic performances and great reputation have made it one of the most loved elementary schools in town. It serves a student population of over 800 students within Kindergarten all the way to 8th grade and is truly a school you can entrust with the future of your children. Apart from academics, the school offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities to help the kids grow and develop whilst creating a competitive but friendly atmosphere.
Other notable schools within Ajax town include Lord Elgin PS, Da Vinci Public School, Alexander Graham Bell PS, Saint Francis De Sales Catholic School, St Patrick Catholic School, and St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School among others.
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