With a population of more than 340,000 residents, City of Markham ON is the fourth-largest city in the Greater Toronto area. It is also one of the most diverse communities in the region. According to the latest census reports, the Chinese are the largest community in Markham making up about 45% of the city’s population. They are closely followed by Whites who make up 22% of the population and South Asian communities making up 18% of the city’s population. Being one of the most populous cities in the country, Markham is also one of the most densely populated cities. About 1, 400 residents occupy every square mile in the city.
The median age of residents here is about 39 years, suggesting that most of them are at the epoch of their careers. Residents here are highly educated with a whopping 0% of them having a post-secondary degree while 25% have a high school diploma. Less than 10% of residents in Markham don’t have a high school diploma. The literacy levels and academic prowess of residents here probably explain why it is considered as the hi-tech capital of Canada. Numerous tech companies have offices in Markham, probably so that they can take advantage of the population’s technical capabilities.
However, even with the astonishing academic achievements of residents, unemployment in the city is higher than the national average. About 8% of the residents here are unemployed. The median household income is nonetheless higher than the national average. Households report about $75,000 every year in income.
The higher incomes in Markham translate to high property values. Properties in and around the city go for anywhere between $200,000 and $2,000,000. The price largely depends on the neighborhood. Unionville and German Mills, both examples of middle-income neighborhoods in Markham, have properties valued at about $400,000. Upscale neighborhoods tend to attract higher prices, but there’s a property priced just right to fit your needs.
In regards to affordability, Markham is just like any other big city. Life is a bit expensive compared to suburban living. Amenities tend to cost a bit more, and you’ll be paying slightly more for a night out of dinner. However, most residents don’t seem to mind the extra cost.
In regards to career opportunities, Markham largest employer is the battalion of more than 900 tech companies headquartered here. Most residents work in the transportation, communication, and technical industries. The most lucrative careers in the city seem to be centered on life sciences companies.
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