For any busy mum or dad for that matter, professional daycare is an indispensable part of their day to day life. Daycares provide a healthy and nurturing environment for young kids to grow and gain self-dependency away from their parents while still leaning some early life skills. They also provide the parent with the chance to rest or concentrate on their careers without having to constantly worry about their little ones. Since all daycares in City of Uxbridge ON are licensed and approved to operate after achieving certain standards, you can rest assured that your child will be as safe as they can be in one of these facilities. Below is a list of some of the top daycare centers in Uxbridge Township:
EDUKids Child Care Centres Uxbridge
Locate at 141 Reach St Unit 8, EDUKids Child Care Centres is one of the leading childcare facilities in Uxbridge and one of the top-rated facilities according to Google reviews. Apart from caring for toddlers and helping the older kids adapt to school-like life in a bit to prepare them for the imminent transition to kindergarten, they offer specialized care for infants which is a very hard thing to come by in Uxbridge.
This family care center is open on weekdays only from 6 am to 6 pm, giving the parents enough time for drop-off and pick-up before and after work. In terms of recreation and learning, the kids participate in drawing, painting, music, and many other educational activities to help ignite their creativity. Parents are issued with report cards indicating the progress of their kids.
All About Kids Child Care Centre
This is another highly-rated children daycare facility located just outside Uxbridge along the Durham Regional Highway. The daycare extends its services to the residents of the township and is considered as a great option for any parent looking for a safe and friendly educational oriented facility for their kids. Apart from the spacious classrooms and specially devised programs for the kids, there has access to modern indoor and outdoor play equipment and facilities.
Uxbridge Montessori School
Apart from being an education facility for the large part, Uxbridge Montessori School also offers daycare services to run concurrently with the school programs. However, the daycare section is located away from the main school in order to ensure the small kids have their own free space where they can feel free to express themselves without feeling intimidated by the older kids.
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